Substances have been with us for millennia. Whether it was kykeon of the Greeks, beer for the Egyptians or just alcoholic beverages for anyone throughout history, it has been a constant for mankind. Different substances affect different pleasure centers in the brain. Frequently I have found that clients and patients use substances to reduce stress, lessen anxiety, avoid depression, or to deaden emotional pain.
There are different modalities for substance abuse. I am a fan of 12 step programs such as AA or NA, however I know they are not for everyone. If they work for you then I will support you in treatment for using them. I am also a fan of SMART Recovery which incorporates Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy from which CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) came from. I use CBT and REBT in my individual therapy so this dovetails nicely.
I want to find what works for you.
If you are in the throes of a serious addiction such as heroin, or crystal methamphetamine, I am affiliated with, and work as a therapist at, two first class residential detox centers in Beverly Hills. If a hospitalization is required, I am on staff at an excellent psychiatric hospital here in Los Angeles. Bottom line is that I can assist you in handling your substance abuse in outpatient, or in residential treatment, or in-patient. The main thrust of this is to help you overcome that demon of substance abuse, helping you to stay clean and sober and then develop a comprehensive plan to address it and power our way out of it.